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Callus/Cracked Heels

This is the build up of thickened/hard skin caused by repetitive friction and/or pressure. The callused skin can develop a yellowing appearance that can be painful.

Callus and cracked skin often develop on the ball of the foot, at bony prominences, in the heel area and around the big toe.



Corns start as small, concentrated areas of hard skin which are conical in shape. The point of the corn can press on a nerve below causing pain. They usually form on the tops and sides of toes and over bony prominences on the ball of the foot and can range in size and pain. Without treatment they can develop in size and can affect our comfort and mobility.


In-Growing Toenails

An ingrowing toenail is where a piece of nail pierces the flesh of the toe. It can be extremely painful and become inflamed or infected. Ingrowing toenails most commonly affect the big toenail but can affect the other toes too.

A nail that is curling (involuted or convoluted) into the skin, but does not actually pierce the skin, is not an ingrowing toenail but can feel very painful and can also appear red and inflamed.



Verruca, or plantar warts, are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and are contagious. They appear to be small, hard lumps of skin and may have black spots. The virus penetrates the body through a lesion or crack in the skin.

They are commonly found on the soles of the feet or toes and can be painful if they are in an area of high pressure. The virus thrives in warm, moist environments, such as the area around a swimming pool/communal showers. Most people experience verruca at some point in their lives.